Cisco Others 642-072 Exam
Cisco Unity Design and Networking(CUDN)
Exam Number/Code : 642-072
Exam Name : Cisco Unity Design and Networking(CUDN)
Questions and Answers : 72 Q&As
VisualExams offers free 642-072 dumps,642-072 Practice exam,642-072 exam questions for Others certification(Cisco Certified Network Associate). You can check out the question quality and usability of our 642-072 practice exam before you decide to buy it.Before you purchase our 642-072 Q&A,you can click the link below to download the latest 642-072 pdf dumps.
1. You are setting up VLANs for integration with IP telephony. Cisco Unity must reside on which VLAN?
A. on the same VLAN as the Cisco Unified CallManager
B. on the same VLAN as the messaging servers
C. In a voice-mail-only environment on the voice VLAN, in Cisco Unity Unified Messaging it does not matter.
D. The voice VLAN is preferable, but not mandatory.
Answer: B
2. Your customer is concerned about security on their Cisco Unity Unified Messaging installation. Which two steps can they take to improve security? (Choose two.)
A. Install antivirus software.
B. Perform a nightly backup.
C. Keep voice-mail messages on the box.
D. Install Cisco Security Agent for Cisco Unity.
E. Isolate Cisco Unity behind a separate firewall.
Answer: AD
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